Get Oscar updated at the Barbican

The Barbican Centre under construction (Peter Bloomfield) and the centre today (Lisa Nordbo Fiil)
When the Academy Awards, or Oscars, are being awarded Sunday night, London time, some of the movies might not be familiar. But there’s a simple way to change that – the Barbican Centre’s Oscar Week, which runs from the 3rd of March to the 9th of March.
The nominees for the Best Picture Award will run in the cinema part of the centre, which holds a theatre, an art gallery, a library, several restaurants and conference halls.
Opened on the 3rd of March 1982, the buildings of the huge complex are expressions of brutalist architecture, a style that has made the centre quite controversial. It’s even been voted the ugliest building in London.
The London Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Shakespeare Company all consider the Barbican their home, and the complex plays a big part of cultural life in London.
So take the opportunity to watch some of the most hyped movies of this season while visiting a cultural complex like no other in London.